Saturday, March 23, 2013

Team Upcyclers Monthly Creativity Challenge for March.

This month’s item to upcycle was neck tie's There has been so many great ideas by other members of the team. The group always amazes me with their creativity. Please be sure to check them all out and ton's of other recycling ideas on the groups blog.

The project I had in mind was a valance for my bathroom window. Bot once again I have proven to myself that I am a disaster at sewing. I had one tie I did not cut wrong or mangle in the machine.
The mangled pieces reminded me of the sari silk I have  been using in my jewelry and have become so fond of. So I decided jewelry it is. I cut the tie into one inch strips and went trough my bead stash. I had a fused cabochon I had made with fine silver foil and goldstone on a blue background and a lampwork bead I made with the same blue glass. They were a perfect match. For the copper I used recycled roofing copper, refrigerator tubing and copper wire from a coaxiale cable.